
Posts Tagged ‘Life Lessons’

Rainbow I saw while driving to work this morning

I woke up this morning feeling a little less than Fabulous.  I blamed it on the early alarm clock (set for 4:45AM so that I could get a little cardio in before starting the Nursing Home at 6:30)  I did my cardio and felt STRONG, but a little “Off”.  This feeling would stay with me for the entire day!!  I had some Awesome highlights!!  For example, one patient told my 2 nurses and me that we were a Beautiful group of ladies!! (So Sweet)  I also got to share in one of my friends process of “evolving” which is pretty darn cool to witness.  It just makes me look forward to my own Evolution that much more!!  It wasnt until around 10:15PM that I “Faced” my New “Life Lesson”  The reason I was feeling less than the best…. The Reason is that I am an “OMITTER” 

OMIT~  To leave something or somebody out:  to fail to include or mention something or somebody deliberately or accidentally

I will leave out little tidbits to “Avoid” conflict!!  (I also had a friend call me an “Avoider” today, but I will discuss that in a future post).  It was a Dear Friend that pointed this out to me tonight (That I am an omitter).  She handled me with TOTAL CARE.  Before enlightening me on what she later told me I already knew (she was correct) She asked me if I was “open”.  Open to hear, open to listen, open to share, open to GROW….. My response was YES!!!!!  We “spoke” for a while and I “Heard” every word.  Armed with the tools that the “Lesson” taught me, I was able to apply the knowledge and the lines of communication were repaired….. I’m still unsure of what the future holds, but I’m extremely hopeful….Thank You, Angel!!!! *Hugs*

Have “YOU” learned any “Life Lessons” recently?  If so, please share….Let’s learn TOGETHER!!!! 😉

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