
Posts Tagged ‘tHE bIGGEST LOSER’


 So Super Excited to see The Biggest Loser Finale with all my Tweethearts!!!  I am going to do a recap post of all the festivities tonight after the show!!!  This  is a “How My Week Went” Post.

 completed 4 resistance workouts at the gym (generated by dailyburn.com) I am feeling CRAZY STRONG!!!!!  I LOVE to lift weights!!!  I even have @kthenb doing the workouts with me!!!! (She is Killing it too) 😉 I also did some bike riding, to include 15 mile ride on Saturday!!!!  My diet was a little Low on calories.  I skipped a few Breakies (NOT GOOD)!  I’m still drinking my water!!!  My week was a Success with One itty bitty exception…..MY SLEEPING STILL SUCKS!!!  I am trying to be in bed by 11!!!  I did this 3 out of the 7 days!!  PLEASE keep an eye out for me like @nomorebacon did on google “A friendly reminder… it is after 11” <~ I didn’t think anyone could see me!!! LOL!!! #BUSTED (BTW….I LOVE you for that)  End Result of last week… I LOST 2 POUNDS!!!  I VOW to make THIS WEEK BETTER!!!!!


1.  BE SELFISH!!! (Its getting easier)

2.  No Bread, Rice, or Pasta (More protein and veggies)

3.  IN BED BY 11 PM (week day ONLY..Im going to Orlando for Memorial Day Weekend)

4. 2 miles every morning and 45 minutes of the elliptical at night

5.  200 crunches a day (This is a piece of cake)

6.  Resistance Train AT LEAST 4 Days (alternating upper and lower body)

7.  Take a stroll at noon (Just to smell the roses…#Exhale)

8.  Leave a comment on EVERY BLOG that visits my blog (and leaves a comment…or  I won’t know who you are)

Okie Dokie!!! Let’s see how this week goes….so far so good!!!


What will YOU DO this week to MAKE YO FEEL PROUD?!? #PleaseShare 😉


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 What a rollercoaster of a day!!!  I woke up early today.  I felt refreshed from a good night’s sleep (getting to bed early just like I planned).  I had my green smoothie with spinach, mango, blueberries, whey, psyllium, flax seed and wheat germ (Breakfast of Champions).  I packed my gym bag and headed to the Tuesday nursing home.  All was going according to plan!!  I had a patient sing to me..”You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine.  You make me happy, when skies are gray.  you never know, dear, how much I love you.  Please don’t take my Sunshine away!!”  She had a Beautiful voice!!  I was going from room to room, doing my thing when I ran into a new rehab patient.  She  had neuropathy.  I began to debride her nails and I noticed that her big toe had dried blood on the tip.  I cleansed the area to find the source of the drainage and I noticed that she was missing the tip of her toe.  There was a steel pin exposed from a bunion surgery performed 20 years ago!!  The patient denied any trauma to the toe.  She couldn’t feel her feet so she was completely UNAWARE that the pin worked its way through the tissue.  I had to inform her of the status of her toe.  I have wound consults all the time, but I was consulted to see her for diabetic nail care!!  This was yet ANOTHER wake up call for me!!  I’m YOUNG and HEALTHY and it will ALL change IF I DON’T get the weight off and live a healthier lifestyle!! 

Still keeping to my plan, I went to my NM office, did a little paperwork, changed clothes and I was OFF TO THE GYM!!!  I did a KILLER lower body/core routine (generated by dailyburn.com and revised by moi) I felt STRONG!!!! After which, I slid into the last 20 min of a spin class!!!  (I must RE-Introduce my BOOTY to the SPINNING BIKE SEAT!!!  This was a Hills spin class so I was out of the saddle for most of the ride!!! YIPEE!!  I just wish the spin bikes had a distance reading OR than my Garmin could record a stationary bike!!!  Unfortunately, neither are true….

I went home, took a shower and began to make dinner for my WEEKLY Biggest Loser Par-Tay!!!  Spaghetti:  Wheat Pasta, ground turkey breast, and a killer salad!!! 

 This Biggest Loser episode was the “marathon” episode!!!  So much fun tweeting with my Biggest Loser Tweethearts!!!  I’m going to do a post with their blog links next week for the finale!  😉  Had a few tweets from @Tara_Costa (Who held the BL marathon record before last night) and @Ali_Sweeney who took it like a champ when I asked her if one of her tweets was english!!!  LOL!!!  We laugh, cry and even workout OR should I say #Tworkout during commercial breaks of Biggest Loser as @AprilShowrs of @shrinkingjeans tweets out exercises for us to do after 9 PM!!!  #GoodTimes  Watching the marathon unfold last night brought up strong emotions!!!  Exciting memories of watching Trish and Jenn of @FitBottomedGirl run their marathon in Jan. Excitement for Lori @slorunnermom who will be running her VERY FIRST MARATHON on 10/10/10 in Chicago with US, her Blackberry hearts cheering her on!!! (Yes, we ALL are planning to be there!!)  Some things were said to me via blackberry that made me think…I will dedicate a future post to that topic!! (Stay Tuned)

The Proudest, most Touching moment for me, last night was when former Biggest loser contestants were meeting the runners on the route to run with current contestants and give them support and encouragement!!!  @Ali_Sweeney Tweeted :  “Who would you want to run with you? #BL9”  to My SURPRISE….This tweet popped on my screen….

Slorunnermom: no hesitation I’d want @FitInMyHeart  🙂 RT @Ali_Sweeney: Who would you want to run with you? #BL9




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