
Archive for the ‘gratitude’ Category

Monica, Alexis, Xavier, Bailey (The Dog), and Nadeen (@whiskyd) holding Bailey

 What a Grrrrrreat Sunday!!!!!  I started off the day in Orlando!!  We spent the night there so I could wake up early and find the Silver Spurs Arena where they were holding the CPE Nationals!!  This is where I met the Beautiful Love muffin by the name of Bailey and her Lovely mom Nadeen ( @whiskyd )  Nadeen is one of the first Tweethearts I added to my Twitterverse!!!  She is my little Twitter “Inner Voice”!!  I NEVER know where she’s going to pop up!!!  Her tweets ALWAYS make me smile, laugh, and/or think!!!  I am extremely happy we were able to FINALLY meet!!!  She shared her life with me on May 22, 2010…. and for THAT, I am Grateful!!!!  I LOVE YOU NADEEN!!!! 

After meeting Nadeen and loving up on Bailey, we headed to Aquatica!!!  It is Sea World’s Water Park!!!!!  We have 2 year passes to both Aquatica and Sea World!!!  Such great FUN IN THE SUN!!!!!  My Highlight at Aquatica was that the life jackets snapped WITH EASE!! No more “thinking light and sucking it in!!! LOL!!! (Celebrating the small victories like one of my tweethearts always reminds me to do) Can I get a WOOT WOOT!!!!! 😉

Dolphin Habitat Waterslide

Dolphin Slide Under Water View

Loggerhead Rapid



Big Surf Shores


 We Had A WONDERFUL SUNDAY!!!!!  Looking forward to going back to Orlando (60-90 min drive depending on the traffic) for the upcoming  3 Day weekend!!!  

What a Grrrrrrrreat Way to go into the work week!!!!!  

My update post from last weeks goals: coming soon!!! 😉 Until then…. 





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This Birthday has been the Best Birthday Week Since my Sweet 16 Birthday Bash!!!!!! So many of you contributed to my EXTREMELY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! This cruise that I’m on was a Birthday gift from @QTHouseOfBeauty Thank You for sharing your Space AND your family with me!!!! Its Truly Been MAGICAL!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! Mwahzzzzzzzz……
I can’t end this post without thanking my other Angels that made me feel UBER SPECIAL!!!! The Gifts Of Health and Love deeply touched my Heart!!!!
My Most Sincere Gratitude:
@KellyK_C : Who started a birthday count down 2 hours before midnight and Was the FIRST to wish me a Happy Birthday!!! 😉
As well as All The Love Muffins That showed me Amazing Love on Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You From the Bottom Of My Heart!!!!!!!

Ok…last day on my #DisneyCruise *sigh*…. I sing this song EVERY MORNING as I watch the sunrise on my balcony!!!!

Ahhhhhhhhh…… LIFE IS BUT A DREAM!!!!!! XoXo

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Sitting at home, relaxing after a crazy day at the nursing home, my doorbell rings….I was told to be on the lookout for a package that should arrive by 3!!  As I scoop my 2 dogs up in my arms, I look at the time….3:20PM!!  I begin to smile!!  Sure enough, it’s the fedEx guy!!!  Yipee!!!!  I sign, close the door, and tell @jeninRL (who is on the phone) that I just received my first Birthday gift of the year!!!  Once opening the box, I started with this…..


There was the cutest singing card!!! JUST PERFECT!!

To TRULY know me is to know that I am a CHEERFUL GIVER!!  It comes naturally!!  What is hard for me, is Receiving!!  I will go out of my way to avoid the situation!!  THIS is my current life lesson!!  To be a gracious, cheerful receiver!!! Reiki teaches you to open your heart!!  I am LEARNING to OPEN my heart to ALLOW others to show ME love as I so willingly and easily show Love to them!!  When I saw the “Goodies” in this Birthday “Care Package” I was not only speechless, But MOVED TO TEARS!!!!  Not only moved by the abundance of the generosity, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, that it was the gift of REST!!!  PEACEFUL SLEEP!!  Something that eludes me 90% of the time!!!  This was the contents in the Bag:

Lavender Vanilla "SLEEP" Massage Oil, lotion, candles,etc

I tried my best to find the words to Thank Lori for the gift.  As a second gift to me, she simply Blackberry messaged me “No words necessary..ENJOY”    Lori, you are SUCH A GENTLE SPIRIT….So today, in this post, I want to say…..

THANK YOU, My Friend…….


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Me and Carla (@MizFitOnline) At the Disney Princess Half Marathon


Another wonderful weekend in the history books!!  I have 2 important blogs to get out this week!!  My FabFattie Cruise post and my Fitbloggin post!!  I think the posts that have pictures to add tend to scare me a little!!  I’m such a slow typist as it is and adding the pictures takes me FOREVER!!!!  I also had many action shots to add to this post BUT quite frankly, the picture above tells the story!!  This picture was taken when I went to Orlando to see @MizFitOnline (If you click on her name and it goes to her site, I want you to know that SHE Taught me how to do it!!!  Hey Carla… I DID IT!!! *Proud Smile*)  Carla taught me how to add links at #Fitbloggin!!!  More details later…in THAT post!!!  So, Carla, @workoutmommy and @AskWifey participated in the Disney Princess half Marathon!!!  They ALL did AMAZINGLY well!!!  When I go to see my friends compete, I am content just feeling the energy of the race and catching a glimpse of my friends in their glory!!!  PLUS, I usually meet some really cool spectators along the way!!  It’s a WIN/WIN!!!  This race was no different!!  I took my family up to Orlando.  We stayed in one of the Disney Resorts and went to Animal Kingdom!!  On the day of the race, they slept in while I went to the finish line at Epcot!!  I had my 2 Blackberries and my ipod and off I went!!  Carla was so freakin fast, that she blew by me!!!  Once she finished the race, she called me and asked me where I was!!  After a few texts and calls, she made her way out of the VIP tent (after running her first half marathon) JUST to meet little ole me!!!  I find myself getting a little choked up as I think back to the meeting because she CHOOSE to make the effort!!!  Many had gone back to the room because of fatigue, aches, pains, exhaustion TOTALLY UNDERSTANDABLE)…..But NOT MIZ….. SHE STAYED!!!!  Honestly, to know this woman is to love her!!!!  I ALWAYS knew she had a gentle soul, but at THAT MOMENT, it was confirmed!!!  True to Carla form…she would not let me focus on her….In the middle of all the hugs…she asked me…”What is the One thing that you must do to reach your goals…to have SUCCESS?”  She soooooo caught me off guard with that question!!!  This meeting was supposed to be about her!!!  Well…..Let me just say that her words echo in my ear daily!!  Whenever I start to get a little off track (Like this Saturday)  I ask myself… WHAT MUST I DO TO HAVE SUCCESS?!?  I MUST PUT ME FIRST!!!!!!!!   Thank You, Carla!!!  For Keeping me in line and having my back!!!!


This morning…. I RAN!!! 😉

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 I had an amazing weekend!!!  It started out on Friday!  After an AWESOME day of  Feet and #FollowFridays, we headed up to Tampa to see “How To Train your Dragon”  in Imax 3D!!  This was a very cute movie!!  The ending disturbed me a bit, being a podiatrist and all, But it was very entertaining!!! (YES, I’M A BIG KID!!)   Once we left, we went down to the square (picture above).  You could hear the music blaring from 2 night clubs!!  2 songs stuck out….”Planet Rock” and “Don’t Stop Believing”  I Love them both for different reasons!!  We had the kids with us so no clubbing that night….BUT I will be going back!! 😉  Then, On Saturday, I was reminded how AMAZING  my Tweethearts are!!!  @FabFattieShan and @nomorebacon ran a 5K for Autism and made some PR times!!! WELL DONE, YOU 2!!  I was also impressed with @ShrinkingJeans!!  These Ladies AMAZE me DAILY!!!  They are in the process of Raising money while training for a half-marathon for  Team In Training!! @LissaJoy smashed an 8 mile long run, @ReallifAdv ran almost 7 miles while dealing with a foot injury and MY SHERO @Christieo ran on a #TreadmillInTheMall ALL DAY SATURDAY For 26 miles!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!

I have a SUPER DUPER PLAN For this week!!! @kthenb and I plan To SMASHIT, this week!!!!  Stay Tuned!!!  I also spent time at a friends with a BEAUTIFUL VIEW and I took time To SMELL THE ROSES!!!!!  I must say……

LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!

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Hello, My Friends!!! HAPPY TWEETSGIVING!!! (The picture above is the Thanksgiving Tree at one of my nursing home) Yes, I’m well aware that TODAY is the Day AFTER Thanksgiving, but I decided that I wanted to share my  Blessings with you anyway!! 😉 Besides…to know me is to know that I truly Practice the Act of BEING THANKFUL EVERYDAY…..Thats just “How I Roll!!!” 😉 

I am so Grateful for so many things this year!!!! I’m going to take this opportunity to list a few! They are in NO PARTICULAR ORDER! Here We Go!!!!!! 



The UNCONDITIONAL Love of my Dad!!!! 


My “Partner In Crime”…My Brother: Dr. Lewis Holmes III (@KenpoDoc4) 


My Wonderful friends…. New & Old (This was given to me by a friend who knew my Love of Dexter) 


My 2 Year pass to Sea World and Aquatica  




My “Local” Support System and Training Squad 

This weekend, I had an awesome time…just chatting with my new DEAR friends….I will say a special prayer tonight for @slorunnermom, @cunningmom, @TeeTee_71, @phatbff, @wildfirefitness, @knitster, @BwJen, @whiskyd, @MizFitOnline, @mommas_crew, @IAmSucceeding, @jeepjenn, @FabFattieShan, @KyraTX, @Fitarella, and @Msjathletics  for keeping my company…Keeping me smiling, and warming my HEART & SOUL This Weekend!!! THANK YOU!!! {{{{Hugs}}}}…. 




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WOW, Dr. Mo….WHAT A WONDERFUL YEAR 2010 was for you!!!  You Had a Plan to SUCCEED in 2010 and YOU DID JUST THAT!!!  LOL!! Don’t look so shocked!!!  You knew this was “Your Year” all along!!!  Go ahead….grab your Healthy Salad and 8th glass of water, have a seat, and let me TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT!!!

You started the year off right with a few Awesome challenges….#30Daylcw with @pseymour and @BiggestLoserLvr, Perfect 10, and Rethink Your Shrink with @Shrinkingjeans! All of your goals for those challenges were met….AND EXCEEDED!!!  You were a little behind in the Beginning with the Rethink Your Shrink Challenge, HOWEVER….you hit your stride mid way and turned in assignments on time….Even being the first to post a few times!!!  😉  I’m so Proud of you for that!!!  During the first 10 weeks of 2010, you lost a whooping 34 pounds!!!  You managed to do that while cruising to Mexico with @FabFattieShan, @KyraTX, and @JeepJenn!! (Sisters for Life) You also met some Wonderful women and Kyra’s AWESOME Husband Brad who was The Official bodyguard of the trip!!!  These are Bonds that have continued to grow throughout 2010!! 

Your Re-Introduction to road races was a Huge success this year!!!  You finished the 5K in Myrtle Beach on Valentine’s Day Weekend with flying colors!!!  @damanlovett & @PassionMD were so much cooler in person than you ever thought possible…and thats saying a lot!!!!  The 5K races that you did after that just kept improving!!!  Yes, You’re correct….a half marathon is scheduled for 2011!!!  😉  Dont worry….YOU’RE READY!!!

Your Blogging has improved by Leaps and Bounds since you attended #FitBloggin10!!!  @BwJen @MizFitOnline @KCLAnderson @PriorFatGirl @Ronisweigh and ALL the WONDERFUL People you met in Maryland have touched your heart and enriched your life more than you thought they would!!!  You were open and receptive to their knowledge of the Blogging world and it shows!!!

Your Biggest Growth came when you spent some time at Green Mountain at Fox Run in Vermont!! @MarshaHudnall and the staff were so truly Amazing!!  They helped you to FINALLY unlock those last few pieces of the weight loss puzzle!!!

Now that you’ve lost a total of 93 pounds this year…. I want you to CONTINUE ON YOUR PATH TO HEALTHIER LIVING!!!!!

Im So Proud Of You, Monique…… I Pray for your continued success!!!

I dedicate This Song to you, Monique!  In 2011, we will complete this journey!!! WE’RE GOING ALL THE WAY!!!



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Oh What a Day!!!!  The above picture of me and Monica would have been a picture of Jennipher Walters and Tish Merritt Of @FitBottomedGirls www.fitbottomedgirls.com ….. But When they crested the hill….(I was busy checking my Blackberry to check their tweets because I was afraid that we had missed them)….and Monica noticed a runner fitting the description of  Tish (I have never seen a picture of these 2 ladies!!) look at our signs, hit the other girl running beside her…and they started shouting…”HEY…THAT’S US!!!!!”  Monica started hitting me and said…”Monique Monique….IT’S THEM!!!!!”  We were so excited to see them and cheer them on that I FORGOT TO TAKE A PICTURE!!!!! D’oh!!!  They did, however, take pictures of us …WHICH WAS WAY COOL!!!!!!  …….Let me take you back to the night before……

I found out earlier that week that the @FitBottomedGirl was going to be running the Disney Marathon.  I knew that they were training for a marathon but I didn’t know it was going to be one so close to me!  So, I moved my schedule around and got my “crew” together and we headed to Orlando on Saturday night.  We decided to make some signs for Tish and Jennipher so they could see their names along the marathon route to hopefully give them a little boost!!  Lexi was really happy about this because she loves to color!  I have a cousin who is a Disney exec so we stayed with her that night!

So, we ate dinner and spent time with my cousin Joy.  We had a blast!  I went out and bought some poster board.  Me, Monica, and Alexis began putting our creative juices to work.  We finished around 1:30 AM

I finally fell asleep around 2:30 AM!  The alarm went off at 5:30 AM…we were only 2 exits down from the marathon route!  I didn’t hear it and woke up in a panic at 6:30 AM!!  I woke Monica up BUT Alexis and Xavier WERE NOT HAVING IT!!!  I asked Lexi if she was sure she didn’t want to go (because she was so excited to show off her art work) she said..”Tell them that I said Good Luck” and rolled over and went back to sleep!  I was tickled!  I totally understood!  I asked my cousin Joy if it was ok if we left the kids and she said yes!  So me and Monica headed out!!  I was watching Tish and Jennipher tweet on my Blackberry so it gave me an idea of where they were!!  As we were passing the runners…I read a tweet that said “We see Magic Kingdom” This made me nervous because I couldn’t tell if they were in front of us or behind us!  I saw some spectators lined up along the route coming up a hill.  I liked that spot so I told Monica to turn in there!  I noticed that it was a private resort “The contemporary” and the people I saw in such a Great spot, were residents there!! Hmmmm….Time to work the cheek bones!!  “Hello, Mr. security guard man….We wanna cheer some friends on from this great spot….Pleeeeeeeeeese….?!?”   He said…”Ok” (A smile can get you far in life!! 😉  So we parked our car…grabbed the signs…and ran through crispy cold grass to our chosen spot….

As we are waiting and cheering EVERYONE  who was so courageous as to participate in a MARATHON, we met 2 guys, Darrin and Steve!!!  They had clappers and noise makers and they were SUPER LOUD AND ROWDY!!!!!  They represented the SPIRIT OF THE MARATHON!!!  they asked me the names of the runners that we were looking for so I told them Tish and Jennipher!  They just started screaming their names over and over!!  They said that they were sure that there would be other Tish and Jenns until OURS came along!!!  hey were adorable!!!  They also asked me what the girls looked like and if they were relatives!  I told them the description that I was given and I told them that I had never seen them BUT they were friends of mine from twitter and I was here to support them!  They thought that was ….CRAZY (because it was so cold) But also ABSOLUTELY COOL (because everyone likes to have a cheering squad) They kept talking to us…kept cheering for Tish and Jennipher and all the runners and we all tried to stay warm!!!

So…I check twitter…the last tweet was 38 minutes ago!!  Did we miss them?!?  Do we need to move closer to the finish line?!?

 Starting to become anxious….I pull my Blackberry out to check their tweets again (I cant feel my fingers and can’t make the buttons work)  This when Tish and Jennipher ran up the hill, out of the tunnel and into our sites….Well Monica’s sight cuz I was too busy trying to find them in my Blackberry!!!!!! LOL!!!  We all started cheering for them!!!!  They looked SO STRONG!!!!!! LIKE THEY HAD JUST STARTED!!!!  They were blowing us kisses…we were blowing them kisses….Tish held up the camera and started taking pictures of us!!!  I got so lost in the excitement that it wasnt until they vanished into the sea of runners that I realized that I DIDNT GET A PICTURE OF THEM!!!!!!!  I forgot about my Blackberry!!!!! This NEVER HAPPENS!!!!!!!!  Thats how AMAZING THE EXPERIENCE…..THE MOMENT WAS!!!!! 

I don’t think Jennipher and Tish have any idea how WONDERFULLY INSPIRING that moment was for me!!!!  Once I got back home….I registered for a 5K in Myrtle Beach!!!  Monica and Jessica are going to run it with me, as well as @damanlovett @PassionMD and my brother @KenpoDoc4!!!  The day after that….we will cheer on my sister-in-law who will be running her first marathon!!!! 

My advice to you, My readers, is this…… If you are thinking about running a race…..if you’re just curious to see what all the hype is about….if you’re just in need of a little INSPIRATION….. Go watch a race….YOU WILL BE HAPPY YOU DID!!!!

THANK YOU, Ladies of @FitBottomedGirl !!!!!!!! Tish and Jennipher…This video is dedicated to YOU, MY FRIENDS!!!! January 10, 2010 The Disney Marathon….YOUR “ONE MOMENT IN TIME”

Love Ya Lots

Dr. Mo

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 What a year 2009 was!!!!  Ok…This project was very good for me!!!  It allowed me a chance to LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES!!  Doing this will help me to SUCCEED IN 2010!!  The above picture was taken when I was taking one of my “Zen” walks on Siesta Key Beach at the end of 2009!  I always like to go to the beach and watch a sunset while I “Look Back” so that I may “Move Forward”  Ok…Here goes….

Part 1:  My “Pitfalls” of 2009….. One thing would be my “Polite” Nature!  I am constantly being given food that isn’t good for me.  Whether it be a drug rep bringing in goodies for me and my staff, patients baking me tokens of appreciation, relatives wanting me to “hang out at the BBQ”, nurses bringing me snacks to make me a kinder gentler Doctor so that I won’t work them as hard, or my Honey just wanting to make me happy…..They ALMOST ALWAYS have things to give me that aren’t included on my Healthier Lifestyle plan!!  I almost NEVER said “NO” in 2009 for fear that I would hurt someone’s feelings!!

Another pitfall was my busy schedule!!  I am usually going as @Mizfitonline says…9376259 miles per hour from the time that I wake up until the time that I close my eyes!!  I would always have the best intentions BUT if I didn’t get up to workout in the morning…..It wouldnt get done!!  Life would ALWAYS get in the way!!  I would still have hopes that I would get to workout at night…BUT My NEXT pitfall would get in the way…..

FATIGUE!!!!!!!  Not only am I CRAZY BUSY during the day…I’m also an insomniac!  This madness started when I lived in NYC and partied like a Rock Star for 2 years….(That’s a WHOLE DIFFERENT POST!!! LOL!!)  I KNOW that one of the keys to the weight loss puzzle is SLEEP, but I usually only got 2-4 hours a night!!  I know I need 6-8 hours to be a lean mean fat-burning machine, but knowing and DOING are 2 different things!!

Another pitfall of mine…I’m a “FAST-FOOD QUEEN”….. Breakfast = McDonalds….Lunch = Pizza Hut….. Dinner = Chinese….NOTHING cooked at home!!! No fruits… No veggies…Just lots and lots of Bad stuff

All these things were recognized as bad in the mid to late 2009 but a PLAN was never really finalized as to how I was going to get more healthy!!

Part 2:  Successes in 2009…..  One Word…… “TWITTER”  on April 11, 2009 at 5:41 PM…..I decided to see what all the HYPE was about so I created a Twitter account.  The rest , as they say, is History!!!  I have been embraced by the Twitter community and it is the “Greatest Love Of All”!!!  It took me a little time to get used to the concept but @sistapoetry followed me…took me under her wing…gave me a #followfriday and Mr. Tweet shout out and MAGIC HAPPENED!!  The fitness “Link” happened when @thefatgeek told me about a fitness challenge that I should participate in hosted by The FANTABULOUS SHANNON & ANGIE Better known as @fabfatties ( currently @FabFattieShan )….All that I can say is OMG!!!!!!  Once I locked arms with these ladies…following the steps of the challenge…I started living my life differently.  Slipping at times but always finding my way back to a Healthier lifestyle!!  I didn’t even know what a blog was before entering their challenge and being told that I could gain points by reading and commenting on the blogs of others!!! I plan to dedicate a post to all the wonderful blogs that MOTIVATE, EDUCATE, and INSPIRE…..SOON!!!  STAY TUNED FOR THAT!  Oh….one last thing on part 2.  The fabfatties also had us take short walks during lunch time!! This is One of my daily goals on office days….SO INVIGORATING and REFRESHING!!!  Everyone should try it!!  😉

Part 3:  Solutions for Success in 2010   1.  Just like the ant-drug campaign….JUST SAY NO!!  I will still be Polite…but I will Politely say NO!!!  If it isn’t going to help me get closer to my goals….I WILL say NO THANK YOU!  I will plan some things to satisfy my sweet tooth but I won’t just eat something because I don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings!!  From now on…my feelings come first!!!  2.  I will SCHEDULE MY WORKOUTS….preferably in the early AM!!!  If you fail to plan, you plan to fail….so Im going to PLAN all my workouts in advance!!  I’m going to put them in my Blackberry WITH alarms AND DO THE PLAYOUTS (workouts) when they are scheduled…in other words….Actually get up out of bed when the alarm goes off!!! LOL!!  3.  Be ready for bed at 10PM and In Bed By 11!!  This will be a HUGE improvement from my current sleeping habits!  4.  Eat more fruits/veggies and cook at home.  Im getting much better at this!  It just takes planning!! (@BwJen & @ChiveTalker ) always stress this fact!!  4.   last , But not least…CONTINUE to move my Body …..Wii Fit/The Biggest Loser game, Couch 2 5K, Treadmill, Biking, Gym sessions, Kettle Bells, Yoga/Pilates, sit ups/push ups Jillian Michaels and Jackie Warner videos AND anything else that may come down the Pike!!! I LOVE FITNESS!!! I’ve NEVER had a problem in this department!!!

Ok….Thats gonna do it for PROJECT ME!!!!  @christieo was right!!!  This wasnt “Homework” at all!!!  It was VERY MOTIVATIONAL!!!  I am going to see what all of my other challengers had to say!!! 

Until Next Time……

Love Yourself……and Others!!  😉





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Last Friday, I walked into the nursing home and noticed the staff working on a “Christmas Tree”. I asked the workers why they were putting the tree up so early? They said “Its a Thanksgiving Tree” They use orange and red lights. For ornaments, they use large Maple Leaves….on them, they write what they are Thankful for! Such a cool concept!! They asked me if I would do one for the tree… I said “Sure”!! On my leaf, I said I was thankful for my family, my love, my health (I was feeling better after a slight cold) and…..My Twitter Family!! So…I would like to say Thank You to @IAmSucceeding @knitster @Teetee_71 @Phatbff @BwJen @wildfirefitness @whiskyd @fabfatties @jeepjenn @MzMartinez09 @Caloriegirl @priorfatgirl @MizFitOnline @KyraTX @Fitter_Mandy @AlmaDays @PassionMD @Landscape2 @yumyucky @FitbottomedGirl @pseymour @Biggestloserlvr @BodynSoil @Slorunnermom @msjathletics @sisterpoetry @mommas_crew and everyone else who looked after me….given me get well soon advice and well wishes…and sometimes..EVEN MADE ME CRY!!!! I’m THANKFUL FOR YOU ALL!!!!

Dr. Mo
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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